Monday, January 16, 2017

Trump Alright Already

Trump Alright Already

My Uncle Brewster used to say it’s alright already. And as I consider the Donald Trump presidency I remember the George W Bush presidency. I remember that he raised more campaign funds in the history of presidential elections in this country than ever before. I remember the hanging chad in Florida and Katherine Harris’s decision to accept the vote. I remember that we survived him, rap master Ronnie Reagan and tricky Dick Nixon and the list goes on. So when I consider uncle Brewster’s phrase it’s all right already I consider it in a different way.

President-elect Trump may well not be alright. And in fact he wears his character defects very proudly. I recognize them because I am struggling with my own character. So it is not unique that any man should have Character defects. Some hide them better than others and others have worked to minimize and even eliminate them from their lives for the most part. Which is of course my own personal aspirations. In any event I’m all ready for what God, faith, kismet and Trump has to serve.

I have a locked and loaded mind, armed with character virtues in both principle and practice that ensures I will never be left alone or wanting. This confidence supported by my AA program family as well as my own personal W.I.L.D. (Wellness In Life Discovery) daily ritual program continues to guide me in my quest to live a life of Justice, Mercy and Love. Yeah as Uncle Brewster would say it’s alright already. And even if Trump isn’t all right I am ever all ready. How about you?

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